Anti-Hegemonic coalition is one of the most discussed subject in International Relations. In the Middle East it is difficult to answer. "Which country is the "hegemonic power" in the reigon? The candidates are Israel, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia if we consider today's global military and political structure.
To begin with, Israel with its well developped military industry, utilization of technology and global political support seems a little bit further among the countries mentioned above. It has also powerful intelligence institutions like Mossad which can operate globally. Israel today has the ability to manufacture its own battle tanks "Merkava" and combat aircrafts planes like Kfir. Not only in military but also in other manufacturing industries and agriculture new technologies are adopted by many Israeli companies. In global issues it has also economical and political support from the USA. The negative aspect for Israel is energy resources. Today Israel lacks its own oil and gas resources and a great portion of these materials are being imported.
Second country which can be most powerful rival to Israel is Turkey. Following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey today has strong industry and military. Many different raw materials and end-products can be produced today and the GDP of the country especially in the last 10 years increased drastically. Turkey has plans to produce it own battle tank "Altay" and "TAI" produces combat aircraft F-16s for a long time. Turkey like Israel lacks the oil and gas resources for its domestic industry use. Additionally, despite being a member of NATO, it also lacks a global political support.
Iran and Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, has natural resources like oil and gas and they are the biggest exporters of these material. Iran comparing to S.Arabia seems like having a stronger military power. It has rocketry technology and able to manufacture ballistic missiles with small and mid range. Not like Israel and Turkey but it has also developing industry. Today Iran has its own brand cars for middle class usage. Saudi Arabia on the other hand also has military and political support from the USA.
During the famous six-day war we have noticed an anti-hegemonic coalition between the Arab countries against Israel. Also same had happened against Turkey between Iran and Syria durign the Cold War especially. Middle East today has changing dynamics and the definition of "new coalitions" is very necessary.
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